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Ethical Code

Ethical Code - Dizengof Center Management Company Ltd.


Dizengoff Center was the first shopping mall in Israel, located in the heart of the country’s first Hebrew city—Tel Aviv. Since its inception, Dizengoff Center has been closely identified with the city and has even led some of the transformations it has undergone over the years. Our commitment to the city, its residents, and visitors from across the country and the world has guided us to adhere to ethical principles based on the understanding that, as a business organization, we bear significant responsibility and have a profound impact on the lives of everyone we interact with.

The Code of Ethics serves as a foundational value framework that the company commits to striving for in all its activities through its employees and managers.

Core Values

• To lead and set an example in the shopping center industry as a company that operates sustainably and safely, promotes innovation, a thriving economy, a liberal approach, social values, and environmental responsibility.

• To respect every individual regardless of their origin, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, status, or role.

• To act fairly and honestly toward tenants, visitors, employees, suppliers, contractors, and all those who interact with the company (hereinafter: "stakeholders").

• Any disputes that may arise should be resolved primarily through agreement and dialogue.

Company Values

Responsibility Toward Stakeholders - Company employees and managers will demonstrate initiative, service orientation, and professionalism in all interactions with stakeholders, even beyond their direct responsibilities, and will take responsibility for their actions.

Environmental Responsibility

The company will continuously strive to improve its environmental conduct and minimize the negative environmental impacts of its activities. This includes energy efficiency, encouraging employees' personal responsibility, and prioritizing suppliers who align with its core values—without compromising business operations.

Social Responsibility

The company is committed to promoting culture and art, as well as providing a platform for young entrepreneurs, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, and more. It will conduct activities with social value and establish platforms that support sustainable lifestyle habits within its jurisdiction.


Company employees and managers will operate with professionalism while ensuring safety for both themselves and stakeholders. The company aims to employ all its workers directly and allocate resources for their advancement and development.


Employees and managers will respect every individual, regardless of religion, gender, or race, and will refrain from any form of harassment. They will also respect themselves, the company, and its assets.


Employees and managers will present matters as they are to facilitate sound internal decision-making. The company will ensure transparent and reliable reporting and publication of required data in line with its core values.

Leading by Example

Company managers and employees will serve as role models both internally and externally to uphold the company's core values as a socially responsible and equal-opportunity organization.

Conflict of Interest

Employees and managers must not act in a way that conflicts with the company’s core values. They must refuse to accept any form of benefit, act with transparency, and report any personal relationships with suppliers or service providers that may create a conflict of interest.

Company Property and Equipment

Employees will ensure the proper maintenance and preservation of all company equipment and property, with an economic and environmental mindset.

Dizengoff Center Information Desk: 📞 03-6212400 (Extension 0)